Who is Grammar Girl?
>> Monday, July 28, 2008
I had no idea who Grammar Girl was but she's the hot thing around the Internet right now so I thought I would look her up. It turns out she is somebody I should pay attention to. With her book, Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing, and her audio book with the same name, Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
, she gives information on how to write and speak well.
I have to admit that I have become somewhat lazy with my grammar skills in recent years. I am forgetting rules that should have been ingrained into my skull since school. I often wonder what this age of instant messaging is doing to the younger generation as well, especially when I get an e-mail or text from my stepdaughter in all IM. Sometimes, I have to google it to see what it means, lol. Uh-oh, I just used IM language.
*this is not a sponsored post.
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