Countdown to Moving Day

>> Monday, July 28, 2008

The countdown is four years and ten months until moving day. I actually have it figured to the day that we can move too but that is close enough for here. We know where we want to move (same school district, more land, house with more room and more storage) but we don't need to get the moving boxes ready yet. We can't afford to move until my husband's two oldest kids graduate from high school. Sometimes it stinks that we can't afford to give our own kids things we would like to while my stepkids eat out all the time, shop for a hobby, go to the movies all the time, etc. when we can't afford the movies but once every few years or anything else like that but there's nothing to be done about that. I'll keep my countdown going and just wait for the day when we won't be so financially strapped anymore.


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