Today's News
>> Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I just woke up. I was up until about 2:00 a.m. online and then reading. Once I start to read, I have a hard time putting the book down. I don't feel like working yet so I am just goofing off right now thinking about what I want to write about.
I could write about the big news about the WNBA fight but the WNBA is struggling and needed the publicity that a brawl would give so staged ya think? Don't know, don't care. I could talk about the mega millions lottery won and how I wish we could win the Ohio lottery...but we'd have to play it to win it and there isn't anybody in this little town to buy tickets and I don't feel like driving to the next town to get them. I could write about the alleged John Edwards affair or the alleged resulting love child, but I don't want to give that anymore publicity other than to say if he's cheating on his wife while she's fighting cancer, he sucks. More popular news tidbits is some search engine, but eh. Barack Obama went to the Middle East but that's all over the news already so why be redundant.
So, instead I will leave you with a cute picture because I don't feel like working (though I better kick my butt in gear soon) but I was up sooo late (whine, whine, whine).
Isn't she just the cutest? She's sweet like this, but believe me, her three year old self can be a little bugger too, lol.
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