Instilling the Value of a Dollar

>> Monday, May 26, 2008

If there is one thing we are trying to instill in our children, that wasn't instilled in me as a child, is how to save money. All of our children have savings accounts. We do this so they learn the value of a dollar. When they ask us for something (video game, etc.), it is easy to turn it around on them to pay for it themselves out of their own savings (or pay half and we pay half). Whatever object they were just whining for no longer seems as important when it comes out of their own pocket so they pass up toys that would otherwise lose their interest too quickly.

I don't want my kids living check to check with no savings to cushion them when they need it or wracking up too much credit card debt, which I did in my early adult years. If they know how to save, I am hoping they'll have more financially stable futures than they would have if they didn't.

I'm not sure if this will work or help them manage their money better as adults but I am hopeful it will.


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