Ack! Summer is almost here!

>> Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Am I the only parent who has a hint of dread (ok, maybe MORE than dread at times) that summer break is almost here? I love my kids more than anything but all four of them, all day long, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for almost three months straight - - can we say STRAITJACKET FOR MOM? It won't be so bad for the first few weeks (ok, maybe days) until they start arguing and the house is in a total state of mess. I am really going to have to start thinking up some type of structure/routine (aka "chores") so that the summer can be enjoyed instead of it becoming chaotic and messy (not that I am a neat freak by any means...I'm a slob...but with all four of them home...oh the mess).

The countdown as of today is seven more "school days" remaining.


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