Kids Beating Kids

>> Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I watched a video on the CBS News this morning of teenage girls beating another teenaged girl and videotaping it. The "reason" for this was because the victim had posted a comment on her myspace. The video was very disturbing. You can probably see it for a little while at CBS News .

Words VS Beating

Yeah, that sounds fair. Huh? What are these kids thinking? Do they not "feel" anything?

These kids lured her there to beat her, even knocking her unconscious after knocking her into a wall - six teenaged girls inside with two teenaged boys outside as lookouts. Eight teenagers are facing charges for battery and false imprisonment and may be charged as adults. What is wrong with kids today that they can do this? What is wrong with society that this is happening more and more?

The officer interviewed said the girls who did it were laughing at the police station. One even asked if she was going to be able to go to cheerleading practice the next day! Another joked about missing their spring break. Where have some kids lost that emotional connect? Do these kids not feel anything? The officer interviewed said they showed no remorse. Kind of scary huh?

Allegedly the victim posted on her myspace page afterward "hahaha all in jail". I haven't seen the myspace page but this is what the article I linked to above posted.

Is it a select few kids who have that emotional disconnect and lack of respect for human life or are more kids at risk? Are we raising our kids right? Something obviously isn't working. I'd like to know how these teens were raised, what the parenting skills were, what the family dynamics were. I'd really like to know why these teens didn't feel any remorse while doing this.

Are the teens to blame? Do their parents have any blame?


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