Beg 4 It Then Complain About It. Kids!!

>> Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My kids begged to get outside when they came home from school. I made them do their homework first and pick up their mess in the living room (it looks like a tornado hit it after they came home). Then out they go. It's not even THREE minutes and they're complaining about how hot it is and do I have popsicles for them (no, I don't).

But it's hot...popsicles would help...puleeze.

Hello - don't have any!

It's 77 degrees outside, they're in shorts, and there is a nice breeze, and they just got outside. It's not like they're running laps out there. After all that whining to get outside, they laid down on the swing because they were "too hot" and sulked (then proceeded to get into arguments with each other resulting in a crying kid). What are they going to do when it is 90 degrees out there? Geez!

So in they came for more chores. Chores always work when they get att-i-tude! They could've stayed outside and enjoyed themselves for awhile before dinner. Instead, they whined, sulked, and argued so now they get chores.

I'm such a mean mommy.


Anonymous April 24, 2008 at 11:44 AM  

OMG - I thought you were gonna tell me it was 98 degrees out - not 78!

lol - kids are kids, eh? The grass is definitely always greener on the other side. ;)

Syn April 26, 2008 at 2:09 PM  

Isn't that terrible? It's in the 70's and they're just dying of heat exhaustion...or so you'd think the little drama kids!

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