Are you marrying a non-custodial parent?

>> Monday, April 7, 2008

If you have plans to marry a non-custodial father, you have my sympathies. Unless the ex-wife/girlfriend is a saint, it isn't an easy road. If anybody asks me about it, I usually tell them to RUN and RUN FAST. If you aren't going to run away, I'd definitely run to a great therapist. You'll need it. Your marriage probably will too. Your kids probably will too.

That's sad.

I love my husband and we've been married six times as long as he and his ex-girlfriend were even in a "relationship" (if you call picking up somebody in a bar and getting her pregnant and then hating the time you've forced yourself into spending with her a relationship) but I wouldn't do it again with somebody else. If something were to happen to my husband or my marriage and I was faced with a relationship with another non-custodial father, I'd run away and fast.


michele April 7, 2008 at 7:39 PM  

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Janet May 31, 2012 at 1:57 PM  

I am about to marry a non-custodial parent and I am SOOO nervous!! Any helpful tips?

Syn May 31, 2012 at 5:20 PM  

My advice - make sure you and your future hubby are in agreement on household rules, the consequences for breaking those rules, and your role in his child/children's lives as well as how you both will blend future children with his children should you decide to have a child together. If you don't stand united (united parenting front with the kids and united couple with the ex), it puts cracks in your marriage. Without my husband's support, I would not have made it to 16-1/2 years of marriage to a non-custodial parent. I would have walked years ago. If he has a difficult ex, make sure he deals with her civilly. Never put down the ex in front of the kids. Good luck!

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