Summer Parenting Time Update - Kids Aren't Coming

>> Monday, July 6, 2009

It doesn't look like the kids will be coming here for any part of their (what is supposed to be five weeks) parenting time. They're too scheduled for the summer to spend time with their dad and four siblings (what a great ex huh?).

We will be going up there on vacation for a couple days in a few weeks so we plan to grab them for the day we will be there. They don't know this yet (unless the ex snoops here...then she knows now right? lol). I told hubby yesterday he better request it as soon as we confirm our dates so the ex can't refuse at the last minute. If the ex refuses, there SHOULD be hell to pay.

Eventually there will be. I have to believe that all the manipulations in the last 14 years towards hubby and the kids should come back to bite the butt in this lifetime or after and that the realization of the damage done has to hit eventually. There HAS to be some accountability somewhere!!


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