Stresses of a Stepmom

>> Monday, July 6, 2009

I can feel my jaw starting to ache again. I have TMJ and stress aggravates it (and makes it worse). Every time something comes up with the ex or stepkids anymore, I get tense. Does anybody else get that way? Between Father's Day and my stepson's coming birthday, I'm feeling a bit tense.

I guess my jaw pain is my indication that I need to let it go before my body becomes more damaged by the years of stress (that continue). It's not like I can run off on Caribbean cruises or anything like that but I really need to find a way to let go and relax (that doesn't cost anything).

3 years, 11 months and 3 days left until I will feel free. Yes, I count the days.


Anonymous July 29, 2009 at 5:44 PM  

Yes, I have severe TMJ.

I feel for you.

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