Forget Your Sister, Forget Your Bro, Forget Your Grandchild

>> Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My stepkids didn't acknowledge the April birthday of one sister and May birthday of their other sister. They either totally forgot or just totally blew it off. Even if they forgot on the particular date, they DID see the pictures after the fact and still didn't mention a word. So as far as I am concerned, they blew it off.

Tomorrow is their little brother's birthday. I wonder if they'll remember (or blow off) this sibling too.

Of course, my mother forgot her youngest granddaughter's birthday as well. It was a month ago and not a phone call to say happy birthday. I'm not even going to wonder if she'll forget her grandson's birthday tomorrow too. I can pretty much bet confidently that she doesn't forget my sister's kids.

A sister forgets. A brother forgets. A grandmother forgets.

What's that saying - you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your family...something like that anyway.


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