CFL - Energy Saving Light Bulbs

>> Sunday, June 29, 2008

Do any of you use those CFL's? The light bulbs that last years, cost more, and comes with procedures for clean up and disposal due to mercury and the risk of releasing hazardous waste into our air - our children and pets at risk - our landfills, and our water supply (including mention of HAZMAT)? I have four children and three dogs in my house. If one of these bulbs break, do they get enough exposure to the mercury, before I can evacuate them, to make them sick? That worries me a bit.

The government says we all have to use these bulbs by 2016. Besides my obvious opinion that the government is becoming over-involved in telling me what I can or can not do in my own home, what risk is there to my kids should one break (come on, a house full of kids and dogs - - one of these bulbs will get broke at least once, likely more). Did you know it costs $2,000 for HAZMAT to clean it up for you too if it does break?

So, I've heard about the law the government wants to enforce within the next decade. Now I want it highly publicized what risk to my children and pets this law will have on my family should they break and mercury is released. Anybody know? Do the pages of procedure on clean up and disposal of these things imply they are highly toxic and risky? Seems like it. Or, is the EPA just covering their backsides?

It'd be nice if we just had an honest government. ***pick myself up off the floor from laughing my backside off***

I just want the truth.


Anonymous July 2, 2008 at 3:37 AM  

This might answer some of your questions.

How Many Congressmen Does It Take To Screw The American Public With A Light Bulb?

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