I'm Bored, Mom!

>> Monday, June 9, 2008

It's been three days since summer break started and how many times have I heard, "I'm bored" already? Several! Since school let out, they've slept in, stayed up late to goof off, karaoked, we've played volleyball, had a bonfire, roasted marshmellows, had a friend over, had a sleepover at a friend's house and went window shopping for a couple of their birthday presents. They're bored?

The last time "I'm bored" came out of one of their mouth's, I told them the next time I hear it, I was going to hand them a list of chores to keep them from boredom! Then dad threatened the offending child with summer school.

They're just "so bored" so today I had them cleaning the bathroom and removing all their clothing from their dressers and closets to sort winter from summer and small from still fits. Usually I do this each season myself but I wouldn't want my little prince and princesses "bored" anymore. *evil grin* They were praying for boredom when it came to cleaning the toilet!

Let's see if I hear that phrase again anytime soon!


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