Those Bad Feelings

>> Monday, June 23, 2008

Once in awhile, I get a really bad feeling that something is wrong. Last night was one of those times. I could not get to sleep for anything. It felt like something was really wrong but I didn't know what. The dogs were in. The kids were asleep (though I could still hear their TV on). I don't know what had me tossing and turning with that huge feeling of dread. Finally, my husband told me to get up and walk around the house so I could check for myself so I'd feel better. I checked on our three dogs as I passed through the hallway and then went upstairs to check on the kids. They were sound asleep. I turned the televisions off and made sure they had covers if it got cool. I checked the door locks and sticks in the sliding patio doors. All good. I looked out at the fire pit to make sure the fire we had burning earlier had stayed out and not flared up again. All good. I even checked the snake to make sure he was OK before heading back downstairs (he was fine, just looking at me from his home). I checked the water tank to make sure the pilot hadn't gone out (that's been a problem lately). That was fine. I checked the baby to make sure she was covered and sleeping OK. Everybody and everything was fine. I still couldn't shake that feeling.

I eventually fell asleep (to have a bad dream that I had been bitten by a snake...though that was better than the nightmare I'd had the night before with blood pouring out of somebody and pooling on the floor coming towards me). Then I woke, went back to sleep and had another bad dream. I was back in high school in this dream. *sigh* Needless to say, the last few nights have not been good for sleeping for me.

I guess it was the movie we'd watched before going to sleep last night that left that feeling of dread with me. (Though I did think about calling my sister to make sure everything was ok but thought I'd better not wake her up at 1:00 a.m.) We watched the Sweeney Todd movie with Johnny Depp. I am not used to seeing Johnny Depp slicing throats I guess. *blech* That was a disturbing movie on a couple of different levels for me. I didn't like that movie at all though I am a huge Johnny Depp fan usually. I guess that had to be it since everything else seemed fine.


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