It's Been Long Enough...

>> Monday, June 29, 2009

It's been long enough. Apparently the kids couldn't be bothered to do anything for their dad for Father's Day. It doesn't take money so that can't be an excuse. It can be a note or hand-made card. It can be an ecard. Heck, a phone call would have been nice!

I have no time for crap like that. The gifts that are here for them will sit until hubby packs them up to mail them (or I give them to our own kids who love their daddy and appreciate him). I'm not doing jack for them anymore. Been there, done that (for years). I know some will say "but you're the adult." Why, yes I am. I am the adult who did everything I could for these kids for a decade, who got knifed in the back (it was a heart shot too), and who knows not to be a doormat for two kids old enough to know better. My children appreciate what they have and what we give them or they don't get it. The stepkids don't get to live by different rules because their dad and mom aren't married.

It's not the first year they've done this so no surprise there.

It's hard to remember how close we once were compared to now. The ex got her way. I hope she's proud of herself.


Smirking Cat July 1, 2009 at 1:45 PM  

I have taken several steps back in my relationship with the kids. I struggle with feeling that they should know better than to fall for the crap the ex feeds them, and trying to remember they are essentially brainwashed. How old are your stepkids?

Syn July 1, 2009 at 2:15 PM  

One will be 14 in a couple weeks and the other is 16. They're both old enough to know that the actions they do (or don't do in this case) can hurt. What really sucks is that WE taught them better for the decade we did have a close relationship with them before their mother's talons took permanent hold on them.

No matter what we thought of the ex (and it wasn't nice), we used to spend time with the kids making things for their mom for Mother's Day (when we had them). We tried to set good examples for them where their mother was concerned. Hell, I even did things with the kids for their maternal grandparents and they hated me too. I am curious to know what they did for their mother this year for Mother's Day when they didn't care to do anything for their dad.

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