Blending a Baby into a Blended Family

>> Tuesday, May 19, 2009

If you are a stepmother who has gone on to have additional children with your spouse or significant other, what has been your experience, not only with the ex but with your stepchildren as well? Was it met with more or less conflict than you thought?

In our case, the ex completely ignored it when I started sporting maternity clothes. If she didn't acknowledge it, it didn't exist (kind of like if she didn't acknowledge me the last 13 years plus, I didn't exist for her either). Let's be realistic, she still ignores my existence as well but that's OK. My stepkids' maternal aunt, on the other hand, seemed quite indignant if her behavior was anything to go by. However, my stepkids were happy over each additional sibling, though my stepson had mixed feelings when he found out he was only going to have one brother out of five siblings. He really wanted a second brother. The boys are outnumbered 2 to 4.

Bringing a baby into the world should be a time of joy (with a little anxiety all moms feel thinking about child birth, etc.), but when you bring a baby into a stepfamily, it can open the way up for a whole new set of resentments. I recently came across Stepfamily Network where stepmoms can chat with other stepmoms and get the low down on handling the ex's response to your pregnancy, as well as having a wealth of knowledge on the day-to-day of pregnancy like maternity clothes, morning sickness, hormones, and anything else that arises. I find other moms to be great sources of information. So if blending a baby into the stepfamily is a hot topic for you right now, I'll bet there are women there who would understand.


Anonymous May 20, 2009 at 8:41 AM  

By the time that the BM figured out my H and I were pregnant with our 1st baby, I only had about a month to go. At first she was all sweet (her kind of sweet, my kind of crazy). Calling all the time wanting to know if we knew what we were having, when the actual due date was... Then when we didn't respond (the less info the better) she made it a living hell. Calling all hours of the night leaving nasty messages, even saying she hopes that the stress from her wouldn't hurt the baby...

Then after our baby was born, she began with her 'concern' that since SS didn't live with us that she was concerned with how close he would be able to be with our daughter and that it really bothered her as she wanted them to be good friends...blah, blah.

My H and I have 2 children together and they have never met nor seen BM. She never really mentions them and our SS loves them no differently then he would a 'bio'sibling. For us at first it was not fun, and we had to learn that some things that happen at our house, are better left not being told to her.

Anonymous May 31, 2009 at 9:44 AM  

My stepson's mother took dad to court to gain more custody and child support. She did not, apparently, take it well. She has been a horrid person throughout the pregnancy - which was difficult and I was on a lot of bedrest. She left town the week we had her, and then complained about who was watching her son when she got back. It has not been a positive experience, and I have chosen to ignore the beast as much as possible.

As for my x. He hasn't been as bad, but he's had his moments too. I don't know why they both had to be such "babies" about it. After all... both our boys got a beautiful little sister and love her to pieces :)

Syn June 1, 2009 at 3:22 PM  

There of my kids have seen the ex. Our fourth child wouldn't know her from any other woman on the street. She just turned 4. I haven't seen the ex since my youngest was a baby so it's been REAL nice around here:)

I don't understand why they get all bent out of shape the way they do too. In our case, I don't know why the ex's sister took it upon herself to get in my face when I was pregnant when her sister (ex) was doing everything she could to ignore it all. Our ex ignored the fact that I was pregnant...but she also tries to ignore the fact that "her" children (she doesn't consider them anything but HERS) have four half-siblings (we never call them "half" but I put it here for clarification).

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