Meme Time - It's All About Me!

>> Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Witchy Mama has tagged me to do this meme!

I must reveal six unspectacular quirks about myself and challenge other bloggers to do the same.

The rules are:

  1. Link to the person who tagged you.
  2. Mention the rules.
  3. Tell six unspectacular quirks of yours.
  4. Tag six bloggers by linking.
  5. Leave a comment for each blogger.

Here's my list!

  1. I don't eat any meat with a bone in it (Get your mind outta the gutter! My husband is very happy in that area thank you very much.). I am serious...chicken, steak, pork - if it has a bone, don't bring it into my house. Boneless only please!
  2. I believe in ghosts/spirits of loved ones gone (human or pet) that I've known plus your average "ghost hanging around the house that you don't know" ghost. I've seen them.
  3. I am neurotic when it comes to safety - suffocatingly so.
  4. I LOVE to rock out with my kids. I can actually handle listening to their music and enjoy it (as long as they don't put country on...yak). Watch this old bat dance! lol While I still love my 80's and 90's music I grew up on, I also enjoy the pop and R&B (and some hip hop) my kids listen to. This mom isn't out of it yet!
  5. I can swear like a sailor and usually have to monitor my mouth in public so something doesn't slip out that shouldn't (especially at the kids' school).
  6. I can be nasty mean when it comes to anybody hurting my family (husband and kids). I'm generally quiet but being very emotional, I turn into a Lioness when the threat of hurt/harm to my family exists. Nobody messes with my family!

I am tagging:

Mamma Dawg

Jessica Michele

(I know there are supposed to be six but since I never do what I'm told, lol...)


MammaDawg September 16, 2008 at 11:28 PM  

Ooh girl - I hear you! You're the lioness and I'm the growlin' tiger. :)

That was fun - learning more about you! I just posted my 6 items here :)

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