Birthday Present Snooping

>> Saturday, October 11, 2008

How far do you go to figure out what your birthday present is? I always try to figure it out. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. This year, I think I have it figured out but even I have my limits on confirming my guess.

For instance, I know where my husband bought it from (it's on our online bank statement, lol) and he gave me a hint. From there, I think I have figured out what it is (but not the color). Now, I "could" use my husband's email address and password and log-in to their online store and check out the account, but even I have my limits obviously because I feel guilty even thinking about it. So, I won't do it. Good to know I have a conscience in there somewhere...even if it is hidden sometimes.

How far do you go to figure out presents?


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