What the kids are like after all this time.

>> Monday, March 24, 2008

After all the anger/aggression from my stepson the last decade, so far no anger that I've seen. He's very hyper and a huge clown. He gets out of control in that respect and somebody is going to get hurt if you don't settle him down, but no sign of anger yet. I am hopeful this visit will go by without my kids needing a trip to a doctor for an injury this time. *fingers crossed*

He has changed a lot physically. He's bigger - not just taller but he's put on a lot of weight. He used to be wiry and solid and now he's soft and "husky" I will call it. He admitted to being out of shape after coming in the first time playing with the kids. I don't think he could keep up with his younger siblings. He's definitely not been an active pre-teen you can definitely tell that. He eats too much junk food. Way too much. The way my kids are running him around outside, he might need regular size jeans instead of the larger ones by the time he goes home.

My stepdaughter looks older and a little bit more distant (she's not the girl who used to climb into our laps and cuddle anymore) but she's 15. To be expected I guess. I still see parts of the my old stepdaughter in her coming out - goofing off with us and laughing. I think it was awkward at first after having not seen each other for so long but that's going away now.

After all the easter candy yesterday and pies, I told the kids to brush their teeth before bedtime. Apparently, they only brush their teeth at their biological mother's once a day and it's in the morning. Blech. I could see their teeth rotting after all the sugar they put in their mouths yesterday. I asked my husband to get them to brush their teeth (our four were brushed and ready for bed already:) Makes a momma proud:)

Well, we haven't seen their biological mother in almost two years so the changes in the pics my stepdaughter has are quite obvious. My husband said she's not aging well and that's all I'll say about what he said 'cause if you don't have anything nice to say...you know the rest.


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