Next Parenting Time

>> Sunday, March 9, 2008

Well, hubby requested visitation with his kids for winter break and spring break by sending the ex-girlfriend an email. She responsed back via email to call her. (She can't call HIM even though SHE is the one requesting to talk to him on the phone.) Hubby has tried calling there several times to talk to her. She's supposedly never home. Yeah, right. So, he didn't get winter break with the kids because she was supposedly never home for them to discuss the exchange. He had also asked for spring break with the kids which is coming up in less than two weeks. He finally had it with chasing after the ex via phone. The last time he called, he left the message that as far as he was concerned, the plans for spring break to have the kids here for spring break were settled. Again, she didn't call back. Nothing.

I told him to confirm in email his intentions to meet her and such and such a place and time, to reitierate that he'd tried calling her many times, at her request, to discuss it and had not been able to get hold of her. Leave a paper trail.

I can't wait until my stepson graduates from high school - a little more than five years from now there will be no legal connection to the ex-girlfriend. There is going to be a ~ P * A * R * T * Y ~ then.

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