Remember to Re-Connect With Your Significant Other

>> Saturday, March 28, 2009

My husband doesn't have to work tonight. It's nice to have a day off together (and even more so that he will be home tonight). Sounds like a good night for sexy lingerie and margaritas! LOL.

I think it is important for couples to re-connect often so they don't lose the emotional closeness in the day to day life. When you throw in stepchildren and a difficult ex, it makes it that much more important so that no matter what you go through with an ex, court, etc., you retain the emotional connection and the stressful circumstances bring you together rather than tear you apart.

The relationship with my husband's ex has always been bad, but in the first half of our marriage it was downright nasty. I'd ask him how she could behave like that, how could she say/do that to him or the kids, etc. because I couldn't comprehend the intensity of hate and bitterness. He'd tell me she was doing it to come between us. All her behavior did, however, was bring us closer because we really united as a couple. He supported me and I supported him. Her plan backfired. I'm glad it did.


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