Monetize Your Web Sites

>> Sunday, March 15, 2009

Anybody who blogs and would like to make money at it has a little bit of educating themselves to do. You need visitors, but you can't stop there. You need visitors who do more than read on your site. If you sell on your site, you need your visitors to buy from it. Some sites accept donations so a visitor who donates can be a great thing. A lot of sites offer newsletters by subscription so you want your visitors to subscribe. This is called conversion rate optimization. I don't offer a lot of this on my sites yet (though you can subscribe to any of my blogs in a feed free). My sites aren't the kind to "buy" things (though that will be coming soon with one site idea that I have that I haven't created yet) but I definitely enjoy the multitude of visitors that visit my blogs everyday (and I thank you).


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