I'm Going Back to School...sort of

>> Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I am going back to school...sort of. I have a goal to change careers from what I ever imagined myself doing. I have ordered the study materials in preparation for my state test. My goal is to be licensed by the end of September. I have talked to my future boss once I am licensed and I will be working from home (how great is that?). So when my kids go back to school very soon, mom will start studying at home as well.

I'll let you know what I am getting licensed for when I get it:) I don't want to type it now until I finish the process. Sometimes, there are snoopers reading this who just like to be nosy (it's a stepfamily site and I am the stepmother so I will leave it to you as to who that "snooper" might be).

Wish me luck!


Anonymous August 19, 2008 at 11:01 AM  

Whatever it is, I know you'll be great at it Syn, no luck needed but wished anyway. ;)

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