Just Goofing Off This Morning
>> Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I was on Google Trends to see what the hot trends were in internet searches and "how a simple prank ended a marriage" was one of them. So I clicked and clicked trying to find out what this meant, thinking it might be interesting for my blog (marriage, divorce). I never did find what this was supposed to mean and gave up clicking, so why is it the hot search right now? Either it isn't valid or my googling skills are not up to par this morning.
I guess I should just go back to googling about weight loss products like Lipofuze in case my thyroid doctor doesn't get my dosage right and the rest of this weight doesn't come off. I was so wanting to be normal weight by summer again. We have a family reunion with my family, most I haven't seen in years, and I wanted to be thinner. I have a few months to do that. Since diet and exercise doesn't do it, thanks to my thyroid diease (which I am pretty certain came on due to years of stress), my doctor is my last hope for managing my thyroid disease and by extension, my weight.
I happened to come across a page like this on fb the other day. I was finally able to find out how a simple prank ruined a marraige. A woman called a radio show to win Kanye West tickets, the dj's told her about their last winner who had to call her grandma and tell her she was a lesbian and get her grandma to say that she accepts her and that she still loves her. Well the woman wanting to win Kanye tickets was married with a 9 yr old son. They told her she had to call her husband and tell him that their son wasn't his and that she had an affair and he wasn't the father. She had to then get him to say he still loved her and her son. Well as you can imagine the husband, who was at work at the time, was incredibly upset. After digesting what she told him he asks her if this is their being honest with each other day and then proceeds to tell her that he is sleeping with her sister and has been for the last year. At this point the dj's jump in and say that it was all a joke. I have no way of knowing if this whole prank was just two actors or was the real deal. If you want to listen to the call you can do it on facebook by looking up how a simple prank ruined a marraige.
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