Grandma Forgets Birthday Again

>> Thursday, January 22, 2009

Well, it happened a few times before, and it happened again. I believe my mother forgot my daughter's 12th birthday. I wrote the entire family's birthdays down for her and she still forgot? Two weeks before my daughter's birthday, my kids were calling their grandmother to wish her a happy birthday.

I didn't ask my daughter because I didn't want to bring it to her attention and hurt her feelings if she hadn't realized it but I know my mother didn't call the house phone or my cell to talk to her. I checked both my daughter and son's cell phones and no calls or texts from my mother anywhere around the time of her birthday. I check the mail and no card received last week (or this week...I even gave it time in case it was just late). I'm pretty damn sure that she doesn't forget some of the other grandchildren's birthdays! Play favorites much?

I'm not surprised.


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