Squeeze It In Before Graduation!!

>> Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yesterday, we got an email from the ex to get her information on a new psychiatrist for my stepdaughter (let's keep the adult kid on Prozac so she can cope with her mother) as well as insurance information for an oral surgeon for my stepdaughter's TMJ.  Nevermind that we paid for her mouth guard for the TMJ (I've had TMJ much longer - thanks to all the teeth clenching over the stress with the ex and stepkids all these years - but we couldn't afford to get me a mouth guard). The ex didn't make sure she was wearing it so it didn't fit her teeth very long.  Wow, that was a waste.  Let's try to squeeze oral surgery in before dad doesn't have to pay for anything anymore come graduation.

We are less than two months away before my stepdaughter drops off the court order.  Woot! Woot!

If my stepdaughter gets a job this summer after graduation, somewhere, for a decent amount of hours each week, I wouldn't have a problem paying for necessary medical things that insurance didn't cover, even though she'd be a high school graduate and she has zero interest in seeing us (canceling again for spring break).  However, I refuse to pay for anything for an adult "child" that doesn't work.  Hope her mom can squeeze all these extras in before she graduates!


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