Been awhile...

>> Tuesday, April 21, 2015

It's been awhile since I've posted regularly. I've reduced the amount of blogging that I've done for years and stopped paying for the domain name for this site so I'm just a regular blogspot blog now.

We are gearing up for the end of the school year. Our oldest is graduating from high school and looking forward to 7-8 years of college, starting in a few months. Our second oldest has his first girlfriend, first job, and driver's permit (all before age 16...scary). Our third oldest is almost done with the joys of middle school and will start high school. Our youngest, still in elementary, went through a bad time with a virus - lost a lot of weight because couldn't keep much of anything down for a week but she is better now. We are trying to get her agreement to homeschool (yes, we can say 'you ARE going to homeschool' but we want her full cooperation and we have time before the next school year starts to get it).  This commom core/PARCC testing crap is such a waste of instruction time (that's been a fight with the school the last few months).  I am NOT a fan of common core.

Stepkids - yeah, still haven't seen them since the last time I posted. I have heard they will be here for their sister's high school graduation next month. Shocker! The ex is actually going to "allow" them to drive down here by themselves (yeah, if you remember, SD is above drinking age and SS graduated a couple years ago) but the ex still rules their roost. Whatever. That's up to them to deal with...not my problem.

I love saying that. NOT MY PROBLEM. LOL


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