School Year Starting Out Busy

>> Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My two teenagers have their first marching band parade of the school year this weekend. My son plays drums.  My daughter usually plays flute but she decided to do flags this year instead. Their choices make my job easier.  I don't need to worry about running to buy Alexander Reeds when a reed breaks at the last minute (I played clarinet...I remember the horror at a broken reed and no more left).  My stepdaughter also played clarinet.  I might have to worry about a drum stick dropped and left behind in the road but hopefully not. My daughter's flag - that should be safe.  She drops it, she picks it up easily.

We have a new band director this year and the kids are VERY behind.  With their first game Friday and a parade Saturday, I am nervous for them.


Unrealistic Expectations

>> Monday, August 26, 2013

We haven't put our house up for sale yet.  It's taking longer to get it ready.  We have the downstairs hallway done.  That leaves the master bedroom and family room.  Ugh.  I just want to sell it and get out of Stepford (don't really live in Stepford but it feels like it).

Maybe I was a bit unrealistic to think the house would be on the market as soon as my youngest stepchild turned 18.  Probably.


Moving Prep

>> Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tomorrow we look for flooring for our current home so we can get our house on the market. I can't wait!!

I have been planning what our new home will need for horses right down to the eye bolt in the barn and sand in the arena. For my horses, I have so much research to do! Barn (so many options and styles), the right grass, run-ins in the pasture, trees around the pasture (or not), fencing, local vets in the area we want to move to, where to buy hay, etc.).

We have always boarded our horses and this will be a first for actually taking care of them myself. I have quite a bit to do but I really can't wait to look out and see our spotted  pasture pets in our own yard!


60 Days Til the End

>> Thursday, August 1, 2013

The notice of the support and court case closure came in the mail today, saying the case would close in 60 days. If either party doesn't want it closed, they have 60 days to notify the court. Why wouldn't it be closed for adults?  Wow.

I guess we wait until the end of September now.  Geesh...this was supposed to be OVER.

What a hassle.  I would not remarry a man who had children - grown or otherwise - a second time. I love him and hope to stay married for life but I wouldn't do this again with another man, another ex. Won't need to worry about me looking for raleigh wedding photographers.  I would stay single or find myself a man who didn't have any ex's hanging around in the background.

OK.  I guess we have a party/bonfire date for the end of September now.  Waiting, waiting, waiting. Seems like we've been waiting forever.


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