Ex Invited to Family Reunion

>> Sunday, July 28, 2013

My husband's family reunion recently passed.  We didn't go.  It's out of state but I thought about just driving up for the day. However, if I am going to spend eight total hours (round trip) in a car to spend a couple hours with family, I don't want to stare at my husband's ex-girlfriend for those couple hours. Yes, she was invited. She isn't worth the $120 in gas it would take for this trip.


Still Waiting...

>> Saturday, July 27, 2013

Well, we have not received the termination papers yet showing that legal tie with the ex is closed yet and it still shows open online.  It's a good thing they were so messed up years ago that they didn't get my husband's employer's address into their system correctly for garnishing like the law requires or else they would still be taking child support out of my husband's check. I hate the family court system.  So inept.

The ex was against my husband sending her child support directly for years.  She wanted the court to take it out of his check and for the court to give it to her.  Silly girl.  For more than seven years, we have been sending it directly to the court ourselves and then they'd send it to her - never late, always on time, always what was owed - because they never got the employer information sent out.  We weren't going to complain about that one. :)

I don't think the ex ever had a clue.

Still waiting for that official notice that those legal ties are cut.  Hopefully they'll get it sent out before winter comes so we can have that big bonfire with all this court/ex stuff we have waited years to do.



>> Saturday, July 13, 2013


What does that counter say?  COMPLETE!!

Yippee!!!  The ex was given the last child support payment.  We paid the final fees off yesterday so once that clears the child support enforcement agency, we should get the termination order from them and it is DONE.  DONE.  DONE.  DONE.

The legal relationship with the ex is DONE.


Sometimes spouses drive ya nuts

My husband just purchased another electric guitar yesterday.  It's the third since Father's Day - he received one for Father's Day. It hurt his old man aches through his elbow and wrist (similar to tennis elbow from playing guitar for the last 32 years) so he needed a different neck. So, he sold that and bought another but the guy dropped it during packing (oops) so he gave hubby his money back.  Yesterday, he bought another.

Do I think this will be the last one?  Nope. He does this.  Has for the last 17 years of our marriage. It's what he does.  Buys and sells, buys and sells. (Good thing he doesn't trade in wives in the same way, lol.)


Final Child Support Payment

>> Monday, July 8, 2013

Today, we made the final child support payment.  It's several days early but we really couldn't wait to cut that final legal tie with hubby's ex-girlfriend.  

Of course, that was after we had to argue with the child support enforcement agency over what was owed.  That stupid clerk tried telling us we had to pay for the entire month of July. Um, no, the court order says when the child turns 18, not to the end of the month of the child's 18th birthday. She was such an idiot.  I told her that she was violating their own damn order but she kept insisting.  I had to go to the woman in charge at the Court who agreed with us - duh.  Really, if their child support clerk doesn't know what the hell she is doing, I wonder how many other parents she is aggravating. We know that damn court order.  We've lived with it for years.  We expect the court who put it in motion would abide by it. 

So they did the final child support and fees figures.  Of course, they overcharged by about $15 (really, why expect a government child support employee to have more than a third grade math education?) but we are done arguing. We are just paying the overage and being done with it.

To make sure they don't overpay the ex, we are sending the child support first and then the check for the court's stupid fees a few days later.  Otherwise, they'd probably send the ex the court fee expenses too and then expect us to pay it again. Not happening.

I don't know how long it will take the court to send out the termination letter but done better be done! Can't wait for that letter!! 


Skids Gone

>> Sunday, July 7, 2013

My stepkids were here for for the holiday week and just went back to their mother's.  This was a good trip. No fights with hubby this time.  Our 4th of July holiday plans were rained out entirely but I think everybody still had fun doing things at home.

I cooked meals and desserts non-stop until the last whole day they were here.  Boy, was I pooped. I fell asleep each night early and without problem. Six kids in the house is tiring. Our four don't tire me out like this but when you add two more, I slept through the nights.  LOL


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