Not Seeing the Ex
>> Friday, November 28, 2008
I have not seen my husband's ex in three years? Four? Something like that: 3-4 years. How nice it's been! I don't go with my husband when he drives to their state to pick my stepkids up or drop them off so I've been spared. I'm sure she's enjoying it as much as I am.
I also haven't had to hear her voice on the phone. I think it's been years! "Woot! Woot!" for me. She won't call my husband first. She'll send an email and tell him to call her (I guess she likes to pretend she can still lead him around or that the woman shouldn't call the man - like they're still in a frigid relationship or something rather than two parents apart, one who can't stand the other, of two teenagers). With the kids getting older, even their contact has lessened considerably which we are thankful for so it does get better (if you are wondering). You just have to get through all the bitter, hateful, revenge-filled crap before you get there...oh yeah, and live 200 miles away from each other.